"Nis Rehfeldt was one of the first to successfully pass the training as a "Majesthetiker".
His commitment is impressive, just as is his sure instinct for aesthetically optimal solutions.
In the course of more then 108 training hours, we got to know and appreciate him as a colleage with great technical knowledge. Nis Rehfeldt is a dental technician with heart and mind, beeing able to think outside the box and transfer his know how to other areas, that go far beyond the usual horizons of the craft, or studies, respectively."

DaVinci Dental (Meckenheim)

"Nis Rehfeldt is a specialist and freak regarding 3D-printing, looking for his equals. It takes only few hours to convince even the last sceptic that printing models in a quality scarcely ever found in industry is possible with low-budget printers."

ZTM / MDT Frank Köpp, Holistic Smile Design (Norderstedt)

"I have never before seen such awesome printed models as those by Nis Rehfeldt!"

ZTM Ferdi Tutar, Michelangelo Dental (Braunschweig)

" Bei Kollege Nis Rehfeldt habe ich gelernt, wie man kostengünstig und trotzdem präzise 3D-druckt. Mit seinen Tipps war das leicht umzusetzen und meine Kunden sind begeistert von der Qualität der Druckobjekte."

ZTM René Langer, re.lab Zahntechnik (Hamburg)

"That the printed modell is the weak point in digital workflow, was impressively disproved by colleage Nis Rehfeldt."

ZTM Stefan Kreil, Vallendar, Germany

I would recommend this 3D printing course with Nis and Christiane to all kinds of technicians, beginners and experienced ones. You can learn how to print correctly and solve many problems you never thought about. As I said 'highly recommendable'."

Francisco Ortega, Boston (MA), USA

"A wonderful and brilliant workshop. A wonderful inspiration especially regarding economic efficiency."

Dr. Andreas Benecke, Elmshorn, Germany

"Nis Rehfeldts works are characterised by precise craftmanship and accuracy of fit.
His detailed eye for natural aesthetics always enthralls my patients.
Dentale Rekonstruktion is a flexible and dependable partner, supporting my dental practice with advice and assistance for all questions and problems."

Dr. Axel Bruhn (Hamburg)

"Super Fortbildung ('Einstieg in den 3D-Druck für Zahntechniker und Zahnärzte'), sehr praxisorientiert, Herr Rehfeldt ist absolut in der Materie! Ich habe danach sofort das Equipment für wenig Geld im Internet bestellt und konnte ohne Probleme in der Praxis meine eigenen Modelle drucken, absolute Empfehlung!!"

Dr. Martin Stoltenberg (Bönningstedt)